1. General Summary:
Domus DeFi (DMS) is the utility token that will revolutionize access to housing.
Having a home is the main desire of most people around the world, a place to call their own, where their memories and affections will be built and where the feeling of belonging becomes so present that it can almost be touched.
However, paradoxically, access to decent housing is a dream that is increasingly difficult to achieve, due to the high costs of acquisition or rental, which leads us to have increasingly precarious relationships with the space where we live and interact with our family and community.
In addition, due to factors beyond our control, such as unemployment, wage stagnation, financial crises, unexpected rises in interest rates, among others issues, the dream often turns into a nightmare in which the person loses their home, their time, the money invested and, not infrequently, their health and family.
Domus DeFi’s mission is to create an environment that will allow people to access decent housing, giving them back the hope of belonging to a home, with security and confidence in the future.
We believe that, as a human right, access to housing should not cost a third – or more – of our lifetime, and that is what we want to change. We want to have an active voice in the fight to regain control of our own time.

2. How it works:
Once purchased by the user, the “DMS” tokens can be bid on a property belonging to the Domus DeFi portfolio, in competition with other interested holders.
This will allow people to access a residence according to their financial means, and not through debt or by committing a large part of their income to pay rent.
The winner of the auction will receive the usufruct of the property, duly registered with the land registry, and in return must deliver to Domus DeFi the amount of “DMS” bid.
Once the tokens are received, Domus DeFi will be responsible for offering them again on the market, in order to maintain the constant liquidity of the asset and continue to increase its portfolio of properties, reaching an ever-increasing number of beneficiaries.
Each person may not receive the usufruct of more than one property at the same time, nor will the usufructuary be allowed to rent the property to third parties, and must use it as a home for themselves and their family.
This rule will be non-negotiable and failure to comply will result in the cancellation of the usufruct contract and the property will return to the Domus DeFi portfolio.
The "one person, one home" rule will allow even the less fortunate to acquire their own home over time.

3. Legal Aspects of the Project:
Under Brazilian law, usufruct constitutes a significant part of property rights, but should not be confused with them.
Once usufruct is established, the usufructuary will receive the right to use and enjoy the property (article 1,394 of the Civil Code), as well as the duty to preserve it, and will also be responsible for paying taxes, fees, and public services such as water and energy (article 1,403 of the Civil Code).
In general terms, the usufructuary will not receive the right of ownership over the property, not been able to sell it to another person.
In our project, the usufruct will be for life, so that the usufructuary's right will be extinguished upon death. In this case, the property will return to the Domus DeFi portfolio, to be offered to other users.

4. Tokenomics:
10,000,000,000 (ten billion) Domus DeFi (DMS) tokens were created, with 18 (eighteen) decimal places, under the Standard ERC-20 protocol, on the Polygon network.
A liquidity pool was launched on Uniswap, in the proportion of 1 POL / 999,999 DMS, and can be accessed here.
In addition to the monthly contributions, the fees received through the pool will also be used to increase the liquidity of the token, in search of the financial viability of the project.

5. Project Stages:
I. Increasing the project's liquidity: due to the limitation of our initial resources, we are focused on progressively increasing the token's liquidity in the pool created with Uniswap, through monthly contributions. As mentioned above, the fees received through the pool will also be used to increase liquidity.
II. After the consolidation period of the project and the DMS token, we will begin building the virtual auction environment and, later, the construction of the real estate portfolio. We want our ecosystem to be fully operational from the first property to be offered, in order to speed up the project.
III. Once the Domus DeFi digital ecosystem is implemented, we will begin offering the homes to those interested in living in them.

Join the transformation!